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Blinded American Veterans Foundation - org. 1985Blinded American Veterans Foundation - PO Box 65900 - Washington DC 20035-5900





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Sgt. Shaft 10/28/2002Caricature of Sgt. Shaft

Dear Sgt. Shaft:
What's the latest on the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) reform? I have been paying into SBP since 1978. I understood that the offset between Social Security and SBP was being done away with. What can you tell me about this? Is there any legislative action current on this? Thank you.



Dear Chief:
The latest on the Survivors Benefit Plan reform is that it died in this year's Congress. SBP Reforms will be reintroduced in the next session of Congress and hopefully will include modification of the 55 to 35 offset. Committees of The Military Coalition and National Military and Veterans Alliance are already preparing an agenda to modify SBP. I encourage you and all readers that have thoughts on modification of SBP to send them to me and I'll pass the word.


Dear Sgt. Shaft:
Can someone please tell me why I have to die before the Department of Defense (DOD) can come up with the percentage to which they will lower my widow's SBP anunity? It seems to me that, since I am 71 and my wife is 62 and I have been paying into the program for the past 25 years, my wife and I should have this figure available when DOD sends out the yearly statement. This way I will have evidence in writing to show our elected officials just how we are being shortchanged. If there is some place to call or write to for this information, please advise. Thank you.

M. A. M., USN, (ret) E-9 (48-77)


Dear M.A.M.:
I checked with the Benefits Information Department. In the case you outline above, your wife would receive the 35% amount on the bottom right of your most recent Retiree Account Statement.


Shaft Kudos
On November 6, the Sarge is looking forward to joining Press Club Members, guests and the public at the 12:30 p.m. National Press Club luncheon featuring entertainer and veterans advocate John McDermott. John will explore his personal connection to American veterans' issues as a lifelong civilian, an artist and performer, and a Scottish-born resident of Canada. 

Remembering veterans has always been a core value of John McDermott's life and career. As an artist, his albums and repertoire have been shaped by this deep affinity. As a public person, he has been able to parlay his stature and efforts into concrete benefits for America's underserved homeless veterans population. In his November 6 remarks, John will explain how this relationship has grown and how it may continue to grow in the future. (For information and reservations for the November 6 luncheon, contact Pat Nelson at 202-662-7539 or e-mail:

John McDermott has continued his work on behalf of veterans through even the busiest years of his career. "The veterans population is virtually ignored outside of one day a year, so much of the music I sing really speaks to the veterans' experience,' he said. "I feel a great deal of respect for the men and women who put their lives on the line for the sake of their country."

Much of his music is dedicated to veterans advocacy. An entire segment of his recent public television special, "A Time To Remember," was dedicated to veterans. Featured songs included an a cappella rendering of "Danny Boy" and stirring renditions of "Christmas In The Trenches" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic." He guest-starred in the 2001 National Memorial Concert special on PBS. He recently completed his first annual Remembrance Tour across Canada and the U.S. honoring those who served their country and his television special, "John McDermott - A Time to Remember," featured a moving tribute to veterans. 

John is often recognized for his contributions to the veterans community. In October of 2001, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society presented John with the prestigious "Bob Hope Award". This award is reserved for those persons, who, through their life's work in the entertainment industry, have distinguished themselves by outstanding service to or positive portrayal of the United States Military. Earlier that year John received the Chapel of Four Chaplain's Humanitarian Award, which honors those persons who are dedicated to keeping alive the ideals embodied in the sacrifice of the four World War II clergymen who died in the sinking of their troopship after giving their life jackets to servicemen who had none. 

His work as an advocate for housing for veterans is well known. The Hope McDermott Day Program Center at the New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans opened in Boston on October 12, 2000. The Center, named in honor of John's mother, is the first of what John hopes will be many program centers across the country that help veterans make the transition from homelessness to self-sufficiency. In July 1999, John attended groundbreaking ceremonies in Washington, D.C. for the McDermott House, a transitional housing cooperative that will house as many as 40 D.C. area veterans. The coop is named in recognition of John's personal commitment to the universal betterment of veterans' causes.

Veterans' Day 1999 was a highlight of John McDermott's career, as the government and veterans community officially recognized his contributions. He attended the Veterans' Day Breakfast at the White House as a guest of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA also brought John to the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. John appropriately performed his song, "The Wall," written by Vietnam veteran Tim Murphy, at the annual commemoration ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This performance was broadcast nationally on C-Span, CNN, and the major news networks. Finally, John shared stage at Constitution Hall stage with Miss America 2000 Heather Renee French, whose official cause was ending homelessness among veterans. There John and Renee performed the newly commissioned "A Veterans Hymn."


Send letters to Sgt. Shaft, c/o John Fales, P.O. Box 65900, Washington, D.C. 20035-5900; fax to 301-622-3330; call 202-462-4430 or email

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