Research - Rehabilitation - Re-Employment
Links to Other Sites
Here is a list of some of our favorite sites on the internet. Most offer information or assistance to those with sensory disabilities, others are just for fun.
Freedom Scientific - creators of JAWS and other great
computer software solutions for the sensory disabled. - Mesothelioma Center (
AMVETS - American Veterans Organization
Citizens Flag Alliance a group of individuals and organizations who support passing a Constitutional amendment to protect the U.S. Flag from physical desecration.
Cold War Resource - a teacher asked us to share this with our readers. So Ms. Doern, here it is. Thank you.
Disabled Travelers Information. a student named Marco suggested this resource.
First Gov the official
website for searching the US Govt.
Department of Veterans
Envision America - technology for
low vision and blindness
Information & Treatment Center Resource
Midnight Ringers -
U.S. Blind Horseshoe Pitchers Association.
Order of the Purple Heart
Officers Association of America - formerly TROA.
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically
NARA - National Archives and
Record Administration
Commissioned Officers Association
D.O.L. Office of Disability Employment Policy
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia
The Retired Officers
Association - This is now MOAA
US Dept. of Defense Military Health System
House Committee on Veterans'
Stuff we find interesting and / or fun
Advanced Dog Tags - Site for getting all sorts of tags made.
Mouse Steps - Walking the World, one step at a time. - Reports about theme parks and such.
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