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Dear Sgt. Shaft:
I am a World War II combat disabled Marine Corps
veteran and a resident of Maryland for over fifty years. I have been following
your columns regarding the naming of the Post Office in Savage after Alfred
Rascon, a true American hero. I am appalled at the shenanigans of my two
Democrat U.S. Senators, Paul Sarbanes
and Barbara Mikulski to kill this
well deserved honor.
I am dismayed how these two Senators could cater to the will of a small percentage of bigoted and anti-veteran Savage residents at a time when it is so important that our children have a role model of the caliber of Mr. Rascon, an Hispanic American medal of honor recipient.
I wonder how Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski would have responded if Mr. Rascon's ancestry were Greek or Polish. May be Savage should be renamed Selma, Maryland.
Dick B., Silver Spring, MD
Dear Dick:
The behavior of Maryland's Democrat Senators, Sarbanes and Mikulski, and their
paid propagandists Jim Wood, Jesse Jacobs and Sandy Newman is disgraceful.
The manipulative maneuvers they employed to kill the Alfred Rascon Post Office naming bill was simply to schlep the water of religious-intolerant Maryland Delegate, Shane Pendergrass, and a small group of bigoted Savage residents. As a couple of state delegates recall, Ms. Pendergrass has embarrassed the General Assembly of Maryland by her anti-Christian desk-banging antics during prayers on the House floor.
It is ironic that these two U.S. Senators opposed the redesignation of the post office building in Savage, Maryland to be named in honor of Alfred Rascon by using the excuse of representing their constituent's views. However, these same senators totally disregarded the overwhelming majority of Marylanders who supported the flag amendment.
The administrative policy of the U.S. Postal Service states: Plaques Honoring an Individual When a Postal Service building is designated by an Act of Congress to honor an individual, the post master is notified by Corporate Relations. The postmaster then requisitions one memorial plaque from the..........Center, providing the name of the individual to be honored. When received, the plague must be displayed in a prominent place in the facility's lobby, preferably above the post office boxes.
Maryland residents should ask Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski how they could have opposed the placement of a plaque -- generally measuring about 12"x15"--honoring Medal of Honor recipient Alfred Rascon.
Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) sponsor of the bill to honor Alfred Rascon, which, incidently was cosponsored by all Members of the Maryland delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives, was quoted in the Howard County Times as saying, "I never dreamed there would be objection to naming a post office after someone this highly honored that even four-star generals have to salute him."
Even as the U.S. Senators from Maryland and a small group of Savage residents dissed Alfred Rascon, a long-time Maryland resident and a true American hero, the U.S. Senate considered and passed the following post office naming bills: "Vicki Coceano Post Office Building", Miramar City, Florida; "Barbara F. Vucanovich Post Office Building", Reno, Nevada; "James T. Broyhill Post Office Building", Lenoir, North Carolina; "John Brademas Post Office", South Bend, Indiana; "Matthew F. McHugh Post Office", Ithaca, New York; "Reverend J.C. Wade Post Office", Omaha, Nebraska; "James W. McCabe, Sr. Post Office Building", Johnson City, New York; "Henry McNeal Turner Post Office", Macon, Georgia; "Henry W. McGee Post Office Building", Chicago, Illinois; "Matthew 'Mack' Robinson Post Office Building", Pasadena, California; "Samuel H. Lacy, Sr. Post Office Building", Baltimore, Maryland; Judge Robert Bernard Watts, Sr. Post Office Building", Baltimore, Maryland; "Dr. Flossie McClain Dedmond Post Office Building", Baltimore, Maryland; "William S. Broomfield Post Office Building", Royal Oak, Michigan; "Alan B. Shepard, Jr. Post Office Building", Derry, New Hampshire; Joseph F. Smith Post Office Building", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; "J.L. Dawkins Post Office Building", Fayetteville, North Carolina; "Everett Alvarez, Jr. Post Office Building", Rockville, Maryland.
None of the bills supporting these names had hearings in their communities including the three post offices in Baltimore and one in Rockville, Maryland. According to Congressman Bartlett, the U.S. Postal Service and Congressional Research Service did not know of a time that a hearing had been conducted.
Senators Sarbanes, Mikulski and their functionaries totally disregarded the supporters of the legislation. At best they twisted the truth and spoke with forked tongue to those who called to express their support. For instance, they echoed the sentiments of the Savage bigots saying that the post office in Savage is historical. Since when is a building built in 1970 considered a historical site?
These prejudiced actions, my good friend Alfred Rascon, "me han herido el alma y el corazon."
The Sarge is looking forward to addressing the American Legion Post No. 20 at the National Press Club on October 17, at a luncheon meeting on "The Veteran and Politicians." Be assured that the issue of the post office in Savage will be highlighted. Call Past Commander Ken Blackshaw at (703) 356-1123 or Commander John Cosgrove at (202) 628-3400 for reservations if you would like to attend.
Commander Cosgrove informs the Sarge that, "The American Legion Post 20 was founded at the National Press Club on November 11, 1919, one year after the signing of the armistice that ended World War I. This Post was initially named to honor General John J. Pershing who had served as commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force. It was also known as the Pershing Post or the Black Jack Post. One of the best known projects of Post 20 was sponsorship of the World II canteen at the Club when enlisted men from all Allied Forces were entertained on Saturday afternoons with Post members serving drinks and hotdogs to all."
Send letters to Sgt. Shaft, c/o John Fales, P.O. Box 65900, Washington, D.C. 20035-5900; fax to 301-622-3330; call 202-462-4430 or email
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