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Blinded American Veterans Foundation - org. 1985Blinded American Veterans Foundation - PO Box 65900 - Washington DC 20035-5900





Research - Rehabilitation - Re-Employment

Sgt. Shaft 09/16/2002Caricature of Sgt. Shaft

Dear Sgt. Shaft:
A little over nine years ago our small group of retired Vets decided to make Veterans Recognition Window Stickers. We call them VetSignias. We felt the vets returning from Korea and Vietnam were not given the welcome and respect we had received when we returned from WWII. They certainly deserved it. We hoped our little stickers would give them some well-earned recognition in their communities. 

When we began, WWII stickers were dominant. Now, however Vietnam stickers are the most popular. There has been a real change in attitude. Vietnam Vets are now being recognized and their valiant effort is appreciated, and rightfully so. Vietnam Vets are showing pride in their service. We also hear from a lot of Peacetime Vets who are proud to show their service involvement. 

The stickers show combinations, like VET/VIETNAM/U.S. MARINES or VET/U.S. ARMY. Anyone who sees a VetSignia will know the bearer did something good for our country. 

The stickers can be seen on the internet at They cost $4.00 each, or 3 for $10. Persons who do not have internet access can send requests to Bob Kline, Box 382, Blue Bell PA 19422; phone (610) 277-1171 or e-mail Personal check or money order is fine. Include your branch of service and war served, expeditionary or peacetime. 

Sarge, we think your readers will appreciate info about these distinctive badges that offer proud U.S. veterans "every-day" recognition. 

Bob Kline
WWII/U.S. Marines


Dear Bob,
Thanks for your service.


Shaft Kudos
It is with fond memories that I publicly bid farewell to the Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, Bob Stump (R-AZ) -- veterans advocate, military supporter and dear friend. After 26 years of dedicated service, Chairman Stump is retiring from the U.S. Congress at the end of this term. 

Bob, in his role as Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, intervened on behalf of a concerned submariner after reading about his plight in one of my columns. A friend of the submariner wrote:

"We are out in sunny Hawaii visiting some good friends we made during our Navy days. My friend is serving on an operational fast attack submarine based here in Pearl Harbor, and lives in military housing. Unfortunately, during our visit our friends’ home was burgled, and aside from the violation of domestic tranquility and sense of personal security, the burglars made off with passports, some valuable electronics, and personal mementos. What made this experience even more discomforting was that our friends were also robbed just two months before.

“Despite a rash of robberies in the McGrew Point housing area (rash is an understatement since this apparently has been going on for years), it seems the brass have not taken the personal security of these Navy families seriously. Our friends have followed the proper procedures and run this up the chain of command and contacted the appropriate authorities, but to no avail. In fact, the Captain (yes, O-6) in charge of housing has not even acknowledged my friend¹s letter, which included suggestions for security improvements.

“Sarge, it seems odd in these times when we are spending millions to ensure the safety of Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists in Guantanamo (let alone the billions on the comfort and safety for the types of felons who perpetrated this crime), that our civilian leaders and military brass are not concerned about the security of these dedicated military families. These are families that have members who deploy, leaving loved ones behind to fend for themselves.

“Since the Pac Fleet Commanders don¹t seem to want to take care of these friends, is there anything you can do to wake those asleep at the helm? Someone needs to protect our protectors."

In his letter to Admiral Clark, Chief of Naval Operations, Chairman Stump pointed out the following concerns and suggestions: The McGrew Point housing area is an unsafe place to live, and is an especially unsafe place to live with small children. There is a pervasive crime problem in the area that has not been adequately addressed by those responsible for housing and security. Property crime appears to be approaching epidemic proportions. Suggestions for improving security in the area include: 1) improving the fence on the border of the adjacent jogging trail so that it provides an effective visual and physical screen; 2) installing some method of video surveillance; 3) making housing area crime statistics available to prospective tenants prior to move-in, resulting in fewer surprises and providing an update to people living in the housing areas; 4) setting up a sting operation because data, even though anecdotal, suggests that there is some correlation between people moving out and incidents of theft; 5) building a card-access security gate to make access more difficult for criminals; 6) improving the physical security of individual houses; and 7) encouraging more effective patrols of the jogging trail and the adjacent Aiea Bay State Recreation Area by the Honolulu Police Department.

Chairman Stump concluded his letter to Admiral Clark by writing, "I request that you review this situation and take all necessary steps to provide the minimum level of security that military families deserve, without delay. Military families must be provided secure housing, especially during times when the services are operating under increased threats around the world."

The submariner sent me a missive stating that he and his neighbors are encouraged by the steps that have been taken so far -- camera surveillance, guard, improving the integrity and privacy of the border fence. He also stated that crime statistics have dropped dramatically.

There is no doubt that these improvements are because of Chairman Stump’s concern and intercession. 

Bob Stump has served with honesty, integrity, and to the best of his ability. I thank him for his untiring dedication to America and wish him the best as he retires to his ranch in Tolleson, AZ.


Send letters to Sgt. Shaft, c/o John Fales, P.O. Box 65900, Washington, D.C. 20035-5900; fax to 301-622-3330; call 202-462-4430 or email

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