Research - Rehabilitation - Re-Employment
Sgt. Shaft
Dear Sgt. Shaft:
A neighbor of mine has been undergoing a series of problems, and she seems to
have nowhere to turn with her latest predicament. Briefly, her husband is a
totally disabled veteran whose primary source of income has been from VA
Compensation. He was recently convicted of a felony and is serving a lengthy
prison term. While he remains incarcerated, I understand that his VA benefits
will be terminated. While I can fathom the imposition of a penalty for a crime
committed, I do not understand the penalty which is being imposed on his wife
and children. They are in danger of losing their home as a result of the loss of
income. Aren't we penalizing the wrong people?
Concerned neighbor in Virginia
Dear Concerned:
All is not lost. While it is true that VA benefits are restricted if a veteran
is convicted for more than 60 days, the amounts not paid to the veteran can be
paid to his dependents. The disability compensation that can be paid to the
veteran is limited to the ten percent disability rate or if the veteran's
disability rate is only ten percent, then that payment is reduced by half. So
you see, the family at least can be spared the financial hardship of lost VA
benefits. If your neighbor is not receiving her apportioned share of the
benefits, she should contact the VA Regional Office.
Shaft Kudos
The Sarge is looking forward to joining the Blinded American Veterans Foundation, Rep. Joe Moakley (D-MA), and their guests at the 15th annual congressional awards reception on Tuesday, June 13, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in room 334 of the Cannon House Office Building. The annual event, held in conjunction with the Foundation's Flag Day observance, honors Senators, members of the U.S. House of Representatives, the media, and volunteers.
The recipients of the 2000 George "Buck" Gillispie Congressional Award for Meritorious Service are Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA). The award is named in honor of the late Mr. Gillispie, a blinded World War II veteran who devoted more than 40 years of service toward efforts to aid in rehabilitation of visually impaired veterans.
The Carlton Sherwood Media Award, named in honor of the Pulitzer and Peabody Award-winning journalist and highly decorated USMC Vietnam veteran, will be presented to Henry Allen, a staff writer at the Washington Post, and national talk show host Jim Bohannon.
This year's recipient of the George Alexander Memorial Award for Volunteer Service are Mr. and Mrs. Jan and Denise Broucinek, long-time volunteers at the BAVF. The Foundation's Corporate Award will be presented to Pitney Bowes.
On display at this year's BAVF event will be the Universal Access Copier System developed by Pitney Bowes. This unique voice command copier had many features that give greater copier access to all with disabilities. In a news statement praising the copier, Terence J. Moakley of the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association said, "As an organization whose 2,200 members rely heavily on assistive technology not only in the workplace but also in most activities of their daily lives, we recognize this technology as another critical step toward full employment of Americans with disabilities."
The Marine Corps Color Guard will set the stage for the awards ceremony and the Corps' Brass Quintet will entertain guests with a medley of patriotic music.
The congressional reception follows the BAVF Flag Day picnic on Sunday, June 11, in Silver Spring, MD. At this year's event the BAVF will be saying "Sayonara" to original BAVF volunteers George and Betty Wakiji, who will be moving to California. Flags that were flown over the Capitol will be presented to many guests. Rep. Albert Wynn (D-MD) will attend, and as always, Rep. Connie Morella (R-MD) and her husband, Tony, are expected to stop by and sample the famous hot dogs prepared by gregarious Chef Lakis, who can usually be found at his cart at the northeast corner of 18th and K Streets, N.W. Picnickers will revel in the sounds of Hawaiian music and a series of "oldies but goodies" rendered by the Hula Monsters.
Since 1996, congressional Flag Day celebrations have become a cherished tradition on Capitol Hill. This year's celebration, honoring the flag and U.S. veterans, will take place on Wednesday, June 14, from 12:30-2:00 p.m. in the Cannon Caucus Room (Room 345), Cannon House Office Building. The House and Senate Prayer group sponsors the program. This year's theme, "If You Pass Through Waters," stresses national healing and unity in the face of this year's political polarization. Tipper Gore is Honorary Patron. Admission is free.
This is the 50th anniversary of the signing of Flag Day into law by President Truman. It is also the 25th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. The program includes special recognition of U.S. veterans. Adrian Cronauer, popular DJ of "Good Morning Vietnam" and Susan Dentzer of the Lehrer News Hour will cohost the program.
The Sarge is looking forward to attending the performance of Dr. Victor S. Wahby and his talented VA-National Medical Music Group. This year's performance includes Irish Tenor John McDermott singing the new "Veteran's Hymn," Congressman David Phelps performing Sen Orrin Hatch's song, "I Love Old Glory," Mezzo Soprano Margie Johnson, and Gospel singer Wintley Phipps. The musical doctors and nurses of the VA-National Medical Musical Group, under the direction of founder Dr. Wahby, lead the audience in their unique "La-la-ing" of Sousa's Stars and Stripes. Senators and Representatives delivering patriotic readings include Sen. Paul Wellstone and Reps. Bill Barett, Ed Faleomavaega, Gil Gutknecht, Tom Lantos, Ron Lewis, Lynn Rivers, Bobby Scott, John Spratt, Tom Tancredo, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, and David Minge.
Send letters to Sgt. Shaft, c/o John Fales, P.O. Box 65900, Washington, D.C. 20035-5900; fax to 301-622-3330; call 202-462-4430 or email
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